ست هویه و لحیم کاری
ست هویه و لحیم کاری
Temperature of about 100-500 ° C
Universally applicable in electronics, model making and hobby
Adjustable Compact station with soldering iron holder, soldering sponge, accessory compartment and power switch
Ergonomic fine soldering iron with soft handle and exchangeable tips
Included accessories: 1 exchange tip (flat shape) and 2 coils electronic solder of 10 g (thickness 1.5 mm / 1.0 mm)
Technical performance data:
Rated voltage: approx. 230 Volt ~ 50 Hz
Rated recording: approx. 48 watts
Cable length approx. 2.85 m - of which approx. 1.85 m supply cable to the station